Sunday, April 13, 2008

I've been signed up to do VAMPIRE KISSES 7 AND 8!!! YAY!!! I'm really excited to write more about Raven and Alexander. Thanks for all the emails asking how many books there will be in the series. Now I can say there will be eight.
I've been in major lockdown on Vampire Kisses 6--Royal Blood and now I can come up for air. My apologies for not blogging sooner, but I was totally focused on writing and wasn't able to get to other fun things like myspace, the website, and of course, updating the blog. So now, here I am, back to the blogging I haven't been able to do in awhile and updating the news I've received from HarperCollins and Toykopop.
I have a few titles in mind for 7 and 8, and will post them when I'm definitely sure about them.
Thanks to Tigerlilly, who has re-organized the forum. She just came over with her daughter, Indigo, last night for a much needed girl's night. We pigged out on carrots, chips, and cookies and watched Poltergeist. Still such a scary movie. Don't go into the light, Carol Anne!
Again thanks for the emails and your patience! :)
posted by Ellen Schreiber at